2235 Вакансии | 225 Резюме | 204 Компаний


NovGrodIT- reliable service provider in the field of web development, design software and solutions, business promotion and ideas on the Internet. Established in 2008, the company now has a staff of over 30 employees and operates around the world, and we continue to actively grow. By implementing hundreds of complex and large-scale solutions for our customers worldwide we are professionals in areas such as:

  • Development, testing, maintenance and support of a website;
  • Development, testing, maintenance and support of custom software;
  • Development, testing, maintenance and support of business applications;
  • Application integration based on products of SAP, Oracle, IBM, Microsoft;
  • Migrating applications to the new integration platform;
  • SEO optimization and promotion of web resources;
  • Protecting web resources and information
  • осн. в 2008 27 сотруд.


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